第七屆東亞地區 (臺韓泰馬) 國際競技與健身運動心理學專題研討會
The 7th International Seminar in Sport and Exercise Psychology


第七屆東亞地區 (臺韓泰馬) 國際競技與健身運動心理學專題研討會 (7th International Seminar in Sport and Exercise Psychology) 將於明年 (2020)1月18-21日在台灣台南成功大學舉行。


此次研討會與往年不同,將進行運動心理工作坊、跨國學生分組交流與指導教授制度,預計每10人1組,共12組,由臺、韓、泰、馬等四國教授帶領參與者進行學術交流、才藝表演、城市參訪,以增進互動機會。本次研討會另請到「美國匹茲堡大學」 Department of Psychology Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition 的 **Kirk Erickson教授 **擔任專題座談演講人,機會實屬難得。


2020.1.18 - 1.21





  1. 國內學生報名費台幣 1500元 (不含住宿,僅單純參加),含住宿 3000元。
  2. 國內教師報名費台幣 2000元,住宿另計,請洽聯絡人。

 聯絡人: 楊明蓁 老師

電子信箱: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The 7th International Seminar in Sport and Exercise Psychology

Conference Dates: January 18-21, 2020
Venue: National Cheng Kung University
Address: #1, University Road, Tainan, Taiwan.
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 17, 2019
Registration fees:
Students: 130 US dollars;Professors: 230 US dollars (all including welcome, farewell banquet, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and city tour)
Correspondence: Cynthia M. C. Yang, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



2020 7th ISSEP

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